out of the box innovation

Business Innovation & Growth: How to Keep It Alive

When cash flows effortlessly into your business from banks and customers, it’s tempting to overlook mistakes, take the easiest route, and live with existing problems. But when times get more challenging, it becomes increasingly difficult to ignore these issues. This pressure forces entrepreneurs to implement real changes or risk going out of business.

Choose a New Path in 2025

Instead of pointing fingers at others or the economy when times get tough, let’s commit to a different approach in 2025. Put on your creative hat and decide to rethink, restructure, refocus, and rebuild. By doing so, you’ll position yourself for long-term success.

If you desire real change, acknowledge that it’s time to stop applying temporary fixes to your business. Too often, issues like declining sales and profits, long working hours, or a poor team culture are symptoms of more significant problems within your organization. You need to identify the root causes and address the real issues.

Where to Begin Rebuilding.

Eliminate the Dead Wood. Employees are valuable assets — and when you have the right ones, it’s crucial to treat them well and prioritize their well-being. However, not all employees are created equal. You must be willing to part ways with individuals in your company who don’t align with your culture or contribute to your team’s success. You know who they are. They show up late, collect a paycheck, and add little or no value to your customers, team, or business. They drain your energy and demoralize the team. So why do we tolerate and retain underperformers?

Sometimes it’s the fear of the unknown. The employee may be lazy, but at least he shows up. Sometimes it’s a sense of obligation. How can I fire my cousin or brother and still face my family? Sometimes we feel we can’t because we never communicated our expectations or dissatisfaction. And sometimes we just feel too overwhelmed and don’t have the time to hire and train someone new. Whatever your reasons, you have a choice. You can fix the problem — help the employee become an asset to the team — or make him go away.

Let Go of Deadbeat Customers. Once again, you know who they are. They only buy with discounts or purchase low-margin products, pay late or after numerous requests, frequently complain, and treat your team poorly. Your earnings from ideal customers often subsidize these less-than-perfect ones. Why allow them to linger and drain your profits and team morale? Dismiss them and replace them with customers who genuinely value what you offer.

Introduce Innovation Across All Areas of Your Business. Many owners equate innovation with new products or inventions. However, innovation, by definition, is the introduction of new ideas or methods, and it’s crucial for achieving sustainable growth and profit.

The key is to apply innovation to all areas of your business. From marketing and sales to customer support, delivery, and team building. It’s simply a matter of continuously seeking better ways to do what you do.

RELATED ARTICLE: Is Creativity Essential for Success?

Prioritize Productivity. Being busy is not the same as being productive. Productivity is about achieving effective results or outcomes in the most efficient way, with the least amount of time and effort. Now, who wouldn’t want that?

So do you measure and seek ways to eliminate waste, increase outputs, or reduce hours associated with daily tasks or service delivery within your company? Do you have systems for critical activities and consistently look for ways to streamline or improve them?

If you aim to increase your margins without raising your prices, take a hard look at your productivity levels and the waste in your business. It’s a goldmine for many small businesses.

Plan and Systematize Your Marketing. Many small business owners view marketing as a necessary evil. They know they need it but often struggle to execute it effectively. So when money gets tight or owners get busy, marketing takes the hit. Unfortunately, this comes at a significant cost — sustainable growth and profit. So why is that?

First, some lack a strong marketing foundation with clear targets, the right products and services for them, and compelling messages to prompt action. As a result, marketing becomes harder to execute. An integrated and consistent marketing effort yields a better ROI but requires some planning.

Second, some fail to measure results, so they don’t actually know if their investment (time and money) is delivering a return. It’s easy to cut marketing expenses when you can’t tie the cost to specific results such as new customers, increased revenue or improved profitability. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the right decision.

Third, most small business marketing is not systematized. There’s no efficiency and, most importantly, no consistency. Therefore, it costs more and is far less effective — an obvious frustration.

Focus More on Profit Than Sales. It may feel gratifying to hit that target sales milestone or tell others you do $1 million or more in sales. But if those sales don’t provide you with the profit needed to sustain growth,  properly compensate your team, increase your personal income, and deliver the lifestyle you desire — why bother?

As a business owner, you take all the risks. Your business must make a profit to stay in business. Your family, customers, employees, and vendors are depending on it. Remember, sales growth is important, but profit and cash flow are paramount!

Challenge the Paradigms. What self-sabotaging beliefs act as constraints in our business and life. Here are a few examples: It’s impossible to earn a profit in this economy, I can’t get good help, customers are never satisfied, customers only care about price, marketing doesn’t work.

Do any of these sound familiar? The problem with paradigms is they give you an excuse to settle for less, accept mediocrity, or give up completely. Don’t let attitudes held by others, unsupported by fact, hold you back.

Ready to Craft Your Own Success Story? Then let’s have a conversation. Click here to schedule a discovery call.

About Joan Nowak. For over a decade, I’ve been assisting business owners in transforming ideas into profits. My comprehensive, common-sense approach empowers clients and fosters improvements in crucial areas, including revenue, operations, team development, customer satisfaction, and overall profitability.

How to Build Profit

How to Build Profit As You Rebound

For many businesses, the journey to rebound and build profit is underway. Will you focus on sales and hope you can get back to where you were? Or will you apply your resources to building a better business in 2021? One that is profitable and sustainable. And admired and respected. A business that can quickly adapt – even in a pandemic.

The secret to such a business? Build a strong foundation and leverage all areas of your business – marketing, sales, operations, people, systems and finances. This whole business approach, which I call the “hybrid way”, is a proven recipe for growth and sustainable profit in any small business.

Here are 7 business improvement opportunities to help you build profit as you rebuild your business


If you want to take a different path, you need a roadmap. In this case, some clear goals with specific actions you need to take to achieve them. A simple action plan will provide clarity and focus.  And with all the changes over the past year, this is a good starting point for rebuilding.

As you put together your goals and tasks, think beyond revenue. While sales growth is important, here are some additional things to consider:  product or service mix, customer retention, productivity, efficiency, hiring or outsourcing, system development, distribution channels, and power partners.


For my clients and other businesses, the ability to quickly modify services or change how they were delivered had a big impact on their business in 2020. A few client examples include:

  • A medical practice Introduced telemedicine visits and drive-thru flu vaccines
  • When out-of-state travel required quarantining, a volleyball academy introduced local leagues and clinics to temporarily replace national and regional teams.

And I’m sure many of you enjoyed the outdoor dining or take-out options from your favorite local restaurants. Or maybe curbside pickup from your favorite retail store or boutique?

And the best part is that these new services don’t need to go away. Businesses continue to offer them, along with their traditional (pre-pandemic) services. It’s a win-win for the business and its customers.

So why do you need a pandemic to give your products and services a facelift? You don’t. Technology, competition, and customer needs will continue to change over time. Make sure your products and service keep up!


Sales don’t just happen. It requires an investment of your time and money. Most of all, it requires consistency. Something you do frequently – not simply when sales decline or you have time.

So, what are you doing to attract new customers and to keep existing ones coming back and referring others? To build profit, not just sales, you need to invest in both. As the past year taught us, a loyal customer base is priceless. For many small businesses, these were the customers who kept them afloat. So make sure your plans include activities to generate new customers and retain your existing, loyal customers.

Systems & Processes

Streamlining and standardizing procedures makes daily operations easier, efficient, and more effective, whether you are there or not. It also made it a lot easier for businesses to quickly pivot and go in new directions.

During the past year, we saw many businesses add new services, modify delivery options, change payment methods – and even change how their people worked. They all require system changes within the business. When a company values both systems and people, making changes is easier and more profitable.

Why wait for a pandemic to address the systems issues in your business? Make it more of a priority. Start with a few. Focus on those that save you time, increase sales, or fix problems that consistently erode profit.

People & Teams

No business operates successfully in a vacuum. We all need help from others. While we often associate people with employees, building a strong network of contractors, vendors, and alliance partners for your business is also important.

The past year has been difficult for employers and employees. Uncertainty has a way of doing that. Work-life balance and working from home have changed expectations. The future will look different than the past. But with it comes opportunity. As the leader, you have the ability to rebuild your team and the culture of your business. Take advantage of it and long-term you will come out ahead.

Professional Development

As you learn and grow, so will your business. Make a commitment to learning and building new skills and knowledge. Did you know that if you read (or listen to audiobooks) for 15 minutes a day, you will read about 12 books each year? What a learning opportunity!

Want to be a better leader or improve your productivity? Maybe you want to improve your technology, sales, or marketing skills? Need any ideas to improve cash flow or build profit? Read a book, listen to a podcast, take an online class. There are plenty of resources available today. It simply requires a commitment to invest in YOU.

Financial Mastery

Sales are important, but cash flow is king and profit is your reward for excellence in entrepreneurship! You don’t need to be an accountant or financial guru, but you do need to track and understand the numbers that drive your business’s success. Beyond sales, here are a few others to consider: average sale per customer or transaction, the number of leads, sales conversion rates, revenue per employee, average accounts receivable, gross profit margins, customer retention rates, and net profit.

Monitor them and focus on activities that help to improve them, especially gross profit margins and net profit. If you keep them at the center of what you do, your small business will continue to serve your needs and the needs of your team, vendors, and customers.

Remember, little improvements in ALL these areas will put more profit on the bottom line and in your wallet. So, build your goals and plans with them in mind.

Need a different perspective?

Would another set of eyes, ongoing support, and accountability from an expert help you get on the right path and quickly rebound? Let’s explore the possibilities with a brief, complimentary consultation.  Click here to schedule your free exploratory session.

About Joan Nowak. As a business improvement expert, business coach, and consultant, I’ve been helping entrepreneurs turn ideas into profits for more than a decade. My whole-business approach empowers clients and drives improvements in key areas including revenue, operational performance, team development, customer satisfaction, and profitability.

profit builder

How to Turn 1% Into Double Digit Profit Growth

Profit growth or improving the bottom line is a priority for business owners — especially now as they look to bounce back from the Pandemic. But too often they look for the magical silver bullet.  The one big innovation or idea that will turn a business around and make people notice.

Innovation is important in all areas of your business, but often small improvements over time can make a big difference on the bottom line. In fact, a mere 1% improvement in revenue or sales, cost of goods sold and expenses can produce double-digit profit growth!

The Power of 1%

Here’s a simple example to demonstrate the Power of 1-1-1

Revenue:  With a 1% increase, revenue goes from $500,000 to $505,000

COGS:  With a 1% reduction, cost of goods sold goes from $300,000 to $297,000

Expenses:  With a 1% reduction, expenses go from $160,000 to $158,400

The result, Net Profit goes from $ 40,000 to $49,600.  An increase of $9,600 or 24%!

Check it out with YOUR numbers to see for yourself.

So now ask yourself “Do I have what it takes to achieve a 1% improvement in these three areas”? Absolutely! Can you do more? Probably. The key is to start – so set a goal. By focusing your efforts in these areas, you too can make progress 1% at a time.

Of course, a goal without actions won’t do much to get you there. So here are some things to consider as you plan your profit growth initiatives:

Revenue / Sales: There are hundreds of ways to grow sales. While generating more leads is an obvious one, here are a few that are often overlooked. You can improve revenue by improving your sales conversion rates, get customers to spend more or buy more often or expand your products or services. Need some ideas, check out 155+ Profit Building Ideas

Cost of Sales or Goods Sold: Based on experience with hundreds of small business owners, this area offers a lot of opportunity for profit improvement. The costs included in the cost of sales or goods sold will vary based on your type of business. These are variable – and link directly to sales levels. Examples of costs include inventory, incoming freight, direct labor (associated with service delivery or production), raw materials, service related suppliers and sub-contractors.

So how can you improve this area? Consider some of the following: improve labor efficiency by eliminating waste, renegotiate prices with key suppliers and vendors, outsource or utilize sub-contractors, improve scheduling, plan purchases to get volume pricing, and eliminate rejects or reworks.

Expenses / Overhead: These are relatively fixed and include everything from wages and benefits to marketing and rent. In today’s economy, many have focused on trimming the fat – but the key is to do so without impacting your ability to grow and deliver on your promise to customers.

Here’s a few things to consider: re-evaluate staffing levels to align with sales and service requirements, re-evaluate benefits, develop compensation model that includes pay-for-performance elements (not just guaranteed wages), evaluate outsource options or leasing, re-quote service contracts and insurance, renegotiate rent or relocate where appropriate, track marketing to improve ROI, and establish a budget – and live with it.

Small improvements in all areas have a compounding effect on your bottom line. They build on each other. All it takes is a clear focus, some simple proven strategies and a commitment to do it. 

Ready to Put Your Business on the Path to Success?

Would working with a business coach help you take your business to a whole new level? Then let’s explore the possibilities with a complimentary 30-minute session.  It’s a chance to get to know each other, discuss your goals and the obstacles that hold you back. Together we can determine if there is a good fit between your needs and my services.  Book appointment now.

Got questions? Call Joan Nowak at (856) 533-2344 or email Joan@HybridBizAdvisors.com


5 Ways to Increase Your Gross Profit Margin

When it comes to improving the bottom line profit, 9 out of 10 small business owners tell me they need to increase the number of customers or reduce their expenses. It is funny how they rarely mention the need to improve their gross profit margin.

Whether you sell products or services, your gross profit margin is a key profit lever in your business. So here are five ways to increase yours:

  • Promote the heck out of premium or higher-margin products. A lot of small businesses promote lower-margin products and services, then try to up-sell the customer into something better. Why not do the opposite. Use your marketing budget to support sales of the good stuff — and let lower margin options become the alternative for those who can’t afford the best.
  • Look for ways to reduce product or service delivery costs so more profit falls to the bottom line. Renegotiate with vendors, eliminate slow-moving products or streamline your delivery procedures to reduce labor costs.
  • Find alternate, cost-effective ways to get your products or services to customers – joint ventures or the web are just a few.
  • Identify effective ways to add value that customers will pay for – so you can raise prices more than the cost of the value-added. Not sure what you can add? Talk to your customers.
  • Differentiate yourself so you stop competing on price. Give them other reasons. What do you do well? What makes you better than your competitors? Price is certainly one consideration – don’t make it the only one.

Here’s one more to consider.  When it comes to pricing, know the difference between markup and margin.  They are not the same and a mistake here will cost you a lot of money on the bottom line. To learn more about this topic, check out my article on markup versus margin.

About Joan Nowak.  As a business improvement expert, business coach, and consultant, I’ve been helping entrepreneurs turn ideas into profits for more than a decade. My whole-business approach empowers clients and drives improvements in key areas including revenue, operational performance, team development, customer satisfaction, and profitability.

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profit builder

Want to Be a Profit Builder?

When you hear the words business growth, what pops into your mind? Is it revenue, sales or maybe new customers? What about profit? What are you doing to build profit in your small business? Is it a priority or an after-thought?

There are a lot of ways to build profit in your business. Cutting costs is the obvious one. While keeping costs down is important, put adequate resources (time and money) into other areas – and keep your focus on the bottom line. Be a profit builder.

5 Ways to Build Profit

#1 – Grow sales of higher margin products. Products and services, like customers, are not created equal. The growth of low-margin products can actually reduce your overall profit. Do you know which products or services deliver the highest profit margins?  You should. Then put your marketing and sales efforts into selling more of those.

#2 – Gain efficiency with systems. This is especially important in businesses that rely on labor to deliver their products or services. In a service business, you are only as good as the people doing the work – so their efficiency and effectiveness are critical to your profitability.

Take advantage of technology to save time. Utilize checklists so employees have the materials they need when they arrive at customers locations. Have a system for add-on sales opportunities. Schedule work to minimize drive times. Eliminate duplicate work.  These are just a few – I’m sure you can find others in your small business. When you do, enjoy the extra profit that comes from doing more with less.

#3 – Eliminate re-works that come from poor quality. Re-works or callbacks are profit busters. It costs you money to re-do the work – and you also lose the opportunity to serve someone else with that person or crew. Make quality a priority.  Get it right the first time.

#4 – Profit from your pricing. When you use a standard markup and cost to set prices, you ignore the most important ingredient – value. This comes from being better or different. Your pricing should reflect your quality, uniqueness, and convenience. Don’t be afraid to charge more when you can.  As a small business, discounts and low prices will always work against you. Avoid them unless you have a strategic reason for doing so. More sales at any cost is not a recipe for optimizing your profit margins.

#5 – Improve your marketing ROI. Marketing is an investment. It’s not about how much you spend, but how effectively you apply your resources – time and money. In fact, many of my clients are spending less and getting more revenue.  You can too with a few changes:  better targeting, emphasis on retention, compelling messages, diverse tactics, and a system that converts more leads. Marketing is not about getting leads – it’s about getting quality sales through current and new customers.

As you can see from these examples, profit-building requires a whole-business approach to growth – not just sales. Your people, systems, marketing and daily operations all play an important role – so leverage them. With small improvements in all these areas, you’ll grow both sales and profit. And that’s a recipe for a better business.

More Profit Building Ideas

For new business improvement articles, exclusive tools and insights on entrepreneurship, click here to subscribe to my monthly eNewsletter. When you do, I’ll also send you my free eBook, How to Build Profit Through Leverage.


6 Ways to Put More Profit on the Bottom Line

In the quest to get more customers and grow sales, many small businesses lose focus on something that is vitally important – Profit! Profit is your reward for excellence in entrepreneurship. So whether you are just getting started or well established, here are some ways to help you put more profit on the bottom line and in your wallet.

Be Different & Compelling

Too often small businesses do what everyone else is doing. They tell customers what they do and just compete on price. If you want to avoid this trap (and you should), start talking benefits not features.

Customers today have many choices, so give them a reason to choose you over others. What makes you and your business compelling and different? Now different doesn’t need to be unique to you and you alone. It simply needs to be something you do very well that you can promote or guarantee – at every opportunity in all your marketing! It’s easier than you think; but if you are not sure, start by asking your customers. When you stop competing on price, you’ll earn more and create profitable growth in your business.

Avoid Trying to Serve Everyone

Who are your ideal customers – those who value what you provide, at the level you provide it and at the price you charge? These are the customers who are happy to work with you, rave about you and often refer others. It shouldn’t be everyone.

Don’t spend a lot of time and energy trying to satisfy everyone or you end up serving few people well. It hurts your reputation and definitely impacts your profit. So nail down your ideal customers, learn more about their needs and build your business around them. What products or services do they need? What are some of the challenges they face? What level of service, payment options, and availability do they expect?

Once you are clear on this, attracting more of them is much easier – and profitable. So be willing to think smaller to grow bigger! You’ll not only make more money, but you will enjoy your customers a whole lot more.

Plan Your Growth

Build your reputation on your core products and services before you start jumping into new areas and new products. More is not always better. Stick with what you do well, build your reputation on it and only expand when you have the resources and ability to deliver what you promise and do it profitably. Don’t let unprofitable growth erode the profits in your small business.

Get the Right People To Grow

At some point, you may need to add people or replace someone who is leaving. Many small businesses are quick to hire and slow to fire. And it comes at a cost – profit and productivity. Before you rush out and hire or replace someone, stop and build a case for your decision. Here are a few things to consider.

  • Do you need someone onsite or virtual?
  • Can you use a sub-contractor or do you need an employee?
  • Do you need someone full or part-time?
  • Can you promote or expand the responsibilities for an existing employee to fill the need — instead of hiring?
  • Can you restructure the company and job responsibilities (and eliminate redundancy) to avoid bringing in additional help?

Explore all your options, look at the costs and benefits associated with them, and then make the decision. Remember, people are an investment in your business. Whether you hire, use a sub-contractor or work with someone virtual, use a system – don’t just wing it.

Know the Numbers

You can’t manage what you don’t measure and what you measure you can improve. Successful owners of all sizes track and monitor what is important to them and their business. What numbers should you track to measure your progress and success? While they vary by business, some common measures include sales, gross profit margins, break even, number of leads, sales conversion rates, average sales dollar per customer and net profit.

Knowing where you are today can help you make better decisions and prioritize what needs to be improved. Do you know how much profit you make from each of your products or services? Or which customers are profitable? If you knew this information, would it change what you market and who you target? The answer is likely YES!

Learn to Love Systems

Finally, learn to love systems. Many small businesses have no documented procedures of how they do what they do. As a result, there is little consistency – a key to productivity, efficiency, customer satisfaction, and profitability. Many assume only big businesses need systems; and say things like, “We’re small, we talk to each other, and we all know what needs to be done”.

Maybe this is true when you first get started and it’s just you. But what happens when you grow and suddenly you are serving more people, or bringing in new staff? What happens when people leave and take the knowledge with them? If you want a business that provides consistent service with less effort and more profits, then make systems a priority in your business. For additional help with systems and procedures, check out my Ultimate Systems and Procedures Guide for Small Businesses.

So whether your business is well established or relatively new, you can make it a success if you focus on creating uniqueness and niche your business, plan your growth, know your numbers and always look for ways to systematize your business. The payoff will be there on the bottom line!

Ready to Put Your Business on the Path to Success?

Would working with a business coach help you take your business to a whole new level? Then let’s explore the possibilities with a complimentary consultation. It’s a chance to get to know each other, discuss your goals and the obstacles that hold you back. Together we can determine if there is a good fit between your needs and my services.

To learn more or schedule an appointment, call me at (856) 533-2344 or drop me an email Joan@HybridBizAdvisors.com

myth about sales

The Myth About Sales

As sales go, so goes the business. It’s a common myth about sales. As a result, revenue growth tends to top the list of priorities for small business owners. It’s the milestone that gets the most attention. It’s the most important number – or is it?

As a business owner, sales growth is simply one metrics on the scorecard. If sales alone guaranteed success, then large organizations like WorldCom and Radio Shack would still be in business. Sales are important, but profit and cash flow is king.

So look beyond sales. Seek opportunities to improve profit and cash flow. Here are four things to consider:

  • How can I improve my gross profit margins? Whether you raise prices, reduce costs, increase labor efficiency or eliminate products (or customers) that are profit busters – do something! If your products and services are not generating good margins, selling more won’t help the bottom line.
  • How can I reduce debt and/or monthly payments? While some level of debt is normal in business, it needs to be manageable based on your profit. Excessive debt can kill cash flow. And yes, ultimately kill your business.
  • How can I improve efficiency and effectiveness? Often overlooked, this area has a lot of hidden profit. Whether you improve your scheduling, delivery, and collection or eliminate mistakes and costly re-doing of work, systems build profit – and make life a lot easier!
  • How can I get more from my current customers? Don’t limit revenue growth to new business – products, markets or customers. Build plans and tactics to keep current customers coming back and buying more. Then be consistent with your efforts!

Never ignore sales, but give profit and cash flow the same priority. Together, they form the nucleus of a financially successful business!

More Ways to Grow Your Business

For new business improvement articles, exclusive tools and insights on entrepreneurship, click here to subscribe to my monthly eNewsletter. When you do, I’ll also send you my free eBook, How to Build Profit Through Leverage.

Create Business Systems2

3 Secrets to Get You on the Path to Profit

How to Get on The Path to ProfitWhile 80% of small businesses fail, many entrepreneurs who stay in business fail to achieve their dream – more money, time, control and freedom.  Too many small business owners today end up with a J-O-B and operate Just Over Broke.

But you can create a business that really works for you. One that is profitable. One that provides you with flexibility and control. So if you want to put yourself on the path to profit, control, and freedom, here are three things you should do consistently.

Your Path to Profit

First, turn ideas into results.  Over 90% of small businesses run with no plan of attack.  Now I don’t mean a formal business plan that collects dust on the shelf.  But a simple, actionable plan gives focus and clarity to help you go from where you are today to where you want to be.  Start the year with specific goals and prioritize what you need to DO to accomplish them.  You will be amazed at a what a little clarity can do.  For help with goals and action plans, check out my Ultimate Guide to Action Planning.

Second, learn to love systems.  They aren’t glitzy, but they are guaranteed to make your business more efficient, more productive and more consistent.  So if you want to make more money with a lot less effort, put the power of systems to work for your small business. Not sure where to start, my Ultimate Guide to Systems and Procedures can provide step-by-step instructions.

Third, take a Hybrid approach.  Putting efforts into sales is important, but it’s not enough.  Taking small steps to improve ALL areas of your business – from products and promotions to people and procedures – will put more money on your bottom line and in your wallet.

How Do You Measure Up?

Curious how you measure up in six key areas that impact your business? My free business success checklist can help you figure it out.  Click here to access this free download.

Ready to Put Your Business on the Path to Success?

Would working with a business coach help you take your business to a whole new level? Then let’s explore the possibilities with a complimentary consultation. It’s a chance to get to know each other, discuss your goals and the obstacles that hold you back. Together we can determine if there is a good fit between your needs and my services.

To learn more or schedule an appointment, call me at (856) 533-2344 or drop me an email Joan@HybridBizAdvisors.com